Free Google Domain Apps NOT going away, this time.
Google changed their mind: "...we’ve added an offer for those using G Suite legacy free edition for non-commercial use, such as individuals and families, to opt out of the transition." I received an e-mail...
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OnlyKey is like a YubiKey, but more versatile.
The most widely known security key is probably the YubiKey. I've had a YubiKey 5c and YubiKey Nano for several (4+) years now, and have had an OnlyKey for around a year. YubiKeys are useful and convenient for OTP codes, and also...
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Ulauncher speeds up my computer usage
Ulauncher is great - it's an app launcher for linux. When I press
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it opens a search bar, with some suggestions. Typing a few letter pops suggestions that, when... -
Free legacy Google Domain Apps is going away. Degoogle, selfhost more.
My main internet account is my Domain Apps account from 2007. It provides me with all the standard Google tools (Mail, Calendar, Docs etc.) and basically enterprise Google for a custom domain, free of charge. The service isn't...
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Switching from Jekyll to 11ty
Despite talking about how and why everyone else should write a blog, I have clearly ignored my own advice and instead spent time switching this blog from Jekyll to 11ty, a JS based...
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AWS CLI Tab Completion
If you work with AWS, you've probably used the AWS CLI. It's a command line tool for interacting with Amazon Web Services. Despite having used AWS for years, I only recently made it down to the...