Who am I?

Me, 2021

I'm Dom. I've spent the majority of my ~30 years on this planet in/on/around tech, with a focus on the Web. My current interests include VR, AWS, security, crypto, programming, 3D printing, smart stuff and general technical tinkering.

I think I'm a fairly stereotypical nerdy person: a chronic overthinker with a penchant for complex systems and systematic thinking, with a hint of blundering academic.

What is this site?

It is a personal website and I think more people should have personal websites. This one is for sharing whatever I want. Ideally it would serve as my own reference and playground for my own notes, learnings, experiments and musings on life and tech. Maybe other people will also get some value from them.

I'm currently the primary target audience, so it doesn't have to make sense to everyone. However, future me should at least be able to look back favourably with pride at how much sense it still makes.

How was this site made?

The current version is powered by 11ty, using the eleventy-duo theme created by Yinka and modified by me.

The last version was created with fast_template, because it seemed like a quick and easy setup for Github Pages. I didn't have huge issues with the template, but in the end, I moved away from Jekyll.

This site is still hosted currently on Github pages. The 11ty source is current in a different repo, and there are some github actions for a staging environment and to then push only the built files into github pages. Why? It was fun to over-engineer and I'm not comfortable publishing the source, yet :)